Tuesday, March 24, 2009


How do I assess student learning?
I assess student learning several ways. First and easiest, is to question students in such a way that in answering they are relating what they have learned and not just answering yes or no. Students ar thinking and applying what they have learned.
Another way is to give a formal assessment which generally covers a chapter or two. This assessment usually includes vocabulary words, multiple choice questions, short answer, and a discussion question.
Students will create a brochure that will include inforamtion that they have learned from the unit and research.
Students will respond to a survey at the beginning to give some initial insight for me as how much students know.
Along the way, I will assign tasks such as completing a cause and effect graphic organizer, timeline of events adn quizzes to check understanding.
In the end, after our field study to a battlefield, studnts will have a chance to blog abut how they feel about battlefield preservation. Thsi will provide them and opportunity to be honest about wht they have learned and put it in a perspective.

How do I invlove students in the assessment process?
Students will be involve in the assessment process by having to comment on a least one other student's blog perhaps offering a differing opinion.
In making the brochure students will have the rubric at the beginning to show them what is expected for the project.
I have really learned some new appraches durign this course.


  1. Your preassessment survey sounds like a good way to start. Asking students appropriate questions during class is a necessary step to gauge what students are learning.

  2. This is well thought out. I like the field study of going to a battlefield. Using the survey in the beginning will give you some good information to get started.
    I am doing a blog also and look forward to the students using this tool.

  3. I liked the cause and effect graphic organizer. That activity will reinforce higher order thinking skills.
